Gallery 12 This is a local group of artists that has accepted me into their ranks. We do several shows all over Southeast Idaho throughout the year. There are also shows in Montana, Wyoming and Utah. Check out these amazing artists.
Hakon Anton Fageras He works mainly in stone, but his clay work and bronzes are also very beautiful.
Beth Cavenar I love her colors, textures and naratives that she creates with her animals.
Coderch & Malavia Beautiful forms and narrative created by their sculptures. They are an amazing sculpture duo.
Sabin Howard Just check out his WWI memorial piece.... Absolutely beautiful!
Robert Bodem He creates beautiful compositions and overlapping forms... I know it sounds weird, but I like the fleshy look that is created when different parts of the body overlap or come in contact with one another.. check out his sculpture with the hands on the knees.
Eudald De Juana Gorriz Beautiful subtlities of form and texture.
Bruno Walpoth He makes the wood figures come to life. They have a beautiful softness to them.
Stephen Perkins His anatomical work is amazing. Well... he was one of my many very talented sculpting instructors :)
Susan Wakeen Perssonatti Susan captures a beautiful energy in her figures, that just brings them to life.